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10 Simple Habits to Keep You Sane During Quarantine

Good Morning Friends!

We are now closing out week 5 of quarantine as numbers of COVID-19 cases continue to rise. In other words, we might be here a while longer. Even if you have no problem relaxing and doing nothing, unlike me, you are probably reaching a breaking point. So I thought I would put together 10 simple habits to help you stay sane during this time.

1. Make your Bed.

I know it may not seem like much, but it really does help. When you leave for work in the mornings, you don’t see the unmade bed for the rest of the day, but when you’re walking in and out of the room all day, it can be a real downer. Making your bed in the morning is a tiny little thing you can do to help boost your morale in the morning and keep your mood up all day. It’s all about finding small ways to be productive.

2. Cook your meals at home.

I have some family addicted to take-out, and while it may be easier than cooking at home, it is not as healthy or fulfilling. If you have the resources and ability, now is the perfect time to start meal-planning and being intentional with your eating. And bonus: it takes more time, so those long boring days can be filled with something meaningful. For some extra tips on meal planning, see my blog Meal planning for the average woman.

3. Move your body.

This probably goes without saying, but there are some serious benefits to exercise. Set aside half an hour or so a day and just move your body. There are a bunch of great free apps out there. You could sign up for a virtual run challenge. Or just go for a nice morning walk. The important thing is that you are active. It boosts your mood, gives you time to think or just hang out as a family, and it keeps you productive.

4. Find a routine hobby.

For me, it’s  blogging. For you, it could be basketweaving or high end cookie decorating. You do you, but do it every day or at least every other day. It provides a nice break from Netflix or work, and it allows your creative side to shine through for a moment.

5. Make a daily phone call.

This one may not be as relevant for introverts, as they are absolutely loving the solitude, but our poor extroverts out there need some company. Make a list of people you want to catch up with or you just want to chat with. This is a great time to make calls to grandparents a priority. Call one person a day and just chat for a while.

6. Stretch your body.

I LOVE yoga. It makes me feel strong and powerful and beautiful. It is calming and peaceful and purposeful. Literally everything about it... I love it. If yoga isn’t really your jive, then find some good stretching videos on the internet. Be intentional about your stretching for 10 minutes or so. You’ll feel so much better afterwards.

A good alternative to this is meditation... and by that, I don’t mean the chanting kind. I mean mindfulness. Sitting and thinking in silence for 10 minutes can literally change the trajectory of your day.

7. Establish mindful habits.

Here are a few ideas.
A. Create a Gratitude Journal
B. Read a chapter of a book
C. Garden
D. Paint by number (or freehand, if you have some artistic ability)
E. 10 minute meditation or yoga

8. Do your dishes.

If you’re cooking at home, you inevitably are creating dishes- and probably lots more than you’re used to. I promise if you let them pile up, it gets worse. Do them after each meal, and you will see the benefits. Clutter is down and productivity is up.

9. Fold your laundry.

Hey you finally have the time to fold the laundry. What a lot of us are finding is that time wasn’t really the reason we didn’t fold the laundry. No, it was laziness. Harsh but true. The clothes still sit in the laundry basket for 3 days until you finally need something in the basket. Seriously, fold your laundry loads as they come out of the dryer. You will feel so much better, and there won’t be any pesky baskets of laundry on the floor for days at a time.

10. Go outside.

Guys we were fortunate enough for this craziness to happen right as Spring was upon us. Go enjoy it. I get that allergies are a thing, and I suffer with you, but there is no better way to calm your allergies than to get them used to the allergen. (Peanut allergies excluded). Go outside and suntan or just sit or garden. You do you- just do it outside. The sun will boost your mood and give you some much needed Vitamin D. And if it’s storming, as it has done a lot lately, then enjoy the power of a good thunderstorm.

I am in the same boat, struggling with everyone else to stay upbeat and positive in this craziness. I hope these 10 tips can help you be more intentional with your days, as they all begin to run together.

Stay positive guys!

Until next week,

Mrs. Ashley Seguin


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