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Showing posts from January, 2020

Simple Ways to Organize for Moving

Good morning Friends! As we speak I am taking a brief break from unpacking endless moving boxes.  Such fun! Sarcasm aside, it got me thinking that keeping your moving organized would be a fantastic blog topic. So, without further ado, here are my 5 Ideas for staying organized while moving. Idea #1: Keep a manifest (like an inventory log) When my family moved from North Carolina to Idaho (long story), we labeled all of our boxes with a number. In a notebook, we wrote down what was in Box #1, then Box #2, then Box #3, etc. You could also wait to number the boxes until after you have determined which are the most essential to the most non-essential, and then use the numbers as a rank-order system. Personally, unless you’re trekking across the country in a 20 year old, salt-eaten Ford Expedition toting a 6x10 trailer with ALL your family’s belongings (like I said, long story), then I think this method is a little TOO organized. And that is coming from someone who writes blogs a...

Budgeting Is Not Rocket Science

Good morning friends! We are halfway through January, which means two things: taxes and budgeting. I am not a CPA by any stretch of the imagination, so I’m not going to talk much about taxes. However, budgeting is something anyone can do and that I have been doing since my first allowance when I was 7 years old. Everyone and their cousin has an opinion about budgeting. There’s the Dave Ramsey way and the 50 20 30 rule and values-based budgeting. The real trick though is to find something that works for you. If you have a ton of debt, you probably need to work paying that off into the budget. Right now my husband and I are under about $40,000 in school loans between the two of us and the loan we took out to build our house. So, its a pretty safe bet that we will be focusing in on paying off some debt this year. What if you’re debt-free? Congratulations, by the way, you super star! Then obviously you don’t need to focus on debt, but where is that money going? Are you trying to save u...

Creating a Vision Board

Good morning Friends! The new year has begun! Some of you have been consistent with your resolutions for the first week of the year; Great job! Keep up the good work! Some of you have already given up on some of those resolutions. This is about the time of the new year season when reality hits again. School starts back up; family finally leaves town; all the sugary sweets from the holidays are FINALLY eaten. It’s time for life to start again, and that can be disheartening. I have no clue what your resolutions were or are, but I am going to encourage you to get back up and go again. And you know what, I am writing this in January, but you may not read it until July. Guess what? It’s still not too late not get up and go again. See my blog  How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions  for more information on that. Today, we are going to rabbit trail off the New Years Resolutions track and talk about vision boards. There is known power in visualization. And I am not talking Eastern...