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Introducing Me... and the Blog!

Hey guys! You don’t know me from Adam... or Eve, so let me introduce myself. I am Ashley Seguin. And that fact means nothing to you. I have been happily married for two and half years to my sweet husband, Daniel ( who is every ounce the most perfect and wonderful human I have ever met). I am a senior at East Texas Baptist University, majoring in Secondary Social Studies Education. I graduate in May 2020! We are in the (very long and trying) process of building our first house right now while living in an apartment in the meantime. I have a beautiful Australian Retriever named Mandie Lorian (like the Star Wars character Mandelorian; we thought that was super clever).
Mandie Lorian Seguin - born March 1, 2019
Daniel and Ashley Seguin - Thanksgiving 2017

I am a nerd of nerds. I love history like no normal 25 year old woman should love history. I especially love the Middle East and ancient history, and it actively bothers me that many American history textbooks are at least as thick as world history textbooks. Like 243 years of history does not equate to 6,000. That’s just arrogant. My goal is to get my Masters in Middle Eastern history from Harvard University and my doctorate in ancient history from the same university. I have loved and dreamed of Harvard since I was little (say six). One of my biggest academic dreams is to be one of those expert historians on a BBC documentary. Ridiculous? That’s okay. This is my dream, not yours.

The point is: Hi, I am starting a fantastic blog on how to organize just about everything you can think of and how to plan everything from a wedding (which I did in 13 weeks, hello!) to what you’re going to eat tomorrow. I will talk about planning to achieve goals, meet deadlines, have a fantastic marriage/relationship, and anything else the readers suggest.

That being said, I would LOVE comments and suggestions. I want this blog to meet reader demand. I want this blog to be something that inspires and gives you a weekly organizational kick in the butt, but I also want this blog to give you some meat. What good are inspiration and pizzazz without some practical “How the heck do I do that” steps and tips and strategies? With that, I am going to TRY (no promises) to follow a similar format every week. First I will give you a fun, inspirational story/quote/thought for the week concerning planning and organization. Then I will share some thoughts and ideas about whatever topic we are discussing. Then I will give you the meat- 3-5 (or 10) practical and useful tips for how to tackle the organizational or planning goal we set.

So let’s get ready to be super stinking organized!


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